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ART 211 Studio Work and Artist Statement

IPTS (2013)
Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge

The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.


This is a photograph of my example studio artwork. It is a mosaic that I made for my Kintsugi and Mosaic unit plan. I have also included my artist statement for this work.


Creating this mosaic demonstrates my ability to work with various materials such as clay and paint. It is also a demonstration of resourcefulness to incorporate found objects and ingenuity to use tools and materials in less conventional ways.


The artist statement allows for an understanding of how this work was made; Why I chose certain design elements; How the work relates to broader concepts in the unit plan; My desire to encourage students to think and communicate about their work.


Click the button below to view a PDF of my artist statement. Scroll down to see an image of my work.

ART 211: List
ART 211: Image

ART 211 Unit Plan

IPTS (2013) 
Teaching Diverse Students

The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.


Created by myself and two of my classmates/co-teachers, the goal of this unit plan is to teach students about the Japanese philosophy, wabi sabi, as well as the Japanese art form of kintsugi. The wabi sabi philosophy is to see the beauty in imperfections and incompleteness. Kintsugi is the art of repairing broken ceramics in a way that emphasizes and ornaments the imperfection--expressing a sense of pride in the story of said ceramic. In addition, the ornamentation is traditionally done with gold and makes the altered ceramic work stronger than the original. Students who wish to work in more of a two-dimensional format can opt to create a mosaic, as I did. 


The purpose of this unit is both technical and conceptual.

The technical aspect is meant to teach students how to repair and ornament broken ceramics. This involves an understanding of what glues are appropriate and how to use them (or gold if we're so fortunate!); how shapes relate to one another; how to support the work as it sets; the use of paint; the ability to remove excess glue or paint.


The conceptual aspect is meant to connect to wabi sabi as well as to encourage students to develop a stronger sense of pride in the various parts of their lives that contribute to their whole self. It is about radical acceptance of the self--the physical and non-physical--especially when facing adversity or messages from society that may steer students to be ashamed of any aspects of the self.


Click the button below to view a PDF of the unit plan.

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Formative and Summative Assessments

IPTS (2013)

The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.


Formative assessments are meant to gauge where students are at in their understanding of the lessons as the unit plan progresses. The questions in this assessment occur each day of the unit and pertain to both the technical and conceptual aspects of kintsugi, mosaic, and wabi sabi.


Summative Assessments are given at the end of the unit. The summative assessment my co-teachers and I created for this unit is in the form of a rubric.


The formative assessment is given through out the unit to help teachers understand how students are progressing or what items may need more clarification. Assessing and offering feedback throughout the unit allows students the chance to think deeper into their work and the unit concepts. It can also lead students to adjust their work if needed or wanted.


The summative assessment is given at the end of the unit as a means to help students consider reflections on the end product, overall experience, potential future endeavors of this nature, and an understanding of how well they met objectives and expectations after all is said and done.


Click the buttons below to view a PDF of the formative and summative assessments.

ART 211: List

Artist Handout and Powerpoint

IPTS (2013)
Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication

The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.


My co-teachers and I each created an artist handout that consolidates biographical and art-related information on two different artists; Vocabulary words and definitions appropriately worded for the age group; Historical information on the concepts and art practices; Eight questions pertaining to four different frameworks that illicit skills in thinking about, creating, presenting, and critiquing artwork.


We also created a slide presentation that allows for a range of teaching and learning modalities.


The artist handout I created on mosaic artists El Anatsui and Nathalie Vin and the artist handouts made by my team members prompts students to take time to consider more than a one-word opinion of an artwork. The questions are open-ended, not simple 'yes or no' questions. They relate to materials used (structural framework), personal opinions/ideas (subjective framework), societal experiences (cultural framework), and the relating of the artwork to conceptual ideas of the unit plan (post-modern framework).


Click the buttons below to view a PDF of my artist handout, my teammates' artist handouts, and our slide presentation.

ART 211: List

Professionalism, Advocacy & Leadership

IPTS (2013)
Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy

The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

ART 211: List

P.A.L. 1 (1 of 2)


ART 211: List


January 30, 2022


I went to the Faculty Biennial at University Galleries in Normal, IL and saw work by my professors and other faculty of Wonsook Kim's College of Fine Arts.


Attending this Faculty Biennial allowed me to support my professors and other faculty. Additionally, I felt a sense of appreciation to experience a dimension of the faculty outside of their roles as professors and inside of their lives as artists. I enjoyed seeing the work of professors from my previous semester at ISU as well as the work of the professors I was just beginning to get to know during the Spring 2022 semester.


Below is a photo of myself next to the work of John Miller. The piece, DO NOT DUPLICATE (2020), is made of sculpted glass, metal, and wood.

ART 211: Image

P.A.L. 1 (2 of 2)

Inside Out: Accessible Art Gallery and Cooperative


March 11, 2022
I went to InsideOut: Accessible Art Gallery and Cooperative in Bloomington, IL. I saw work from local artists in a variety of mediums. I saw familiar names as well as new names and learned about up coming First Friday events.


Visiting art co-op and non-profit, Inside Out, gave me a chance to support and discover local artists. I found myself drawn to some of the water colors, ink drawings, and abstract acrylic paintings of Susan Palmer. Through the staff on duty at the time, I was able to learn a good deal about Susan Palmer's art history in the local community. The experience gave me a stronger sense of community and a deeper sense of pride in where I'm living and studying Art/Art Education.


Below is a photo I took of one of the works on display and for sale at Inside Out. The work is 100% wool, other than the eyes and frame. Titled Dog's Head -Brown and made by Sue Drummet--I think it's just perfect! 

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ART 211: Image
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